Following is some comments on how to learn CCNA efficient. I think it is helpful.
1. I bought both Lammle's book, plus the Cisco Press
ICND1, and
ICND2 books by
Wendell Odom I like Odom's books and as there are two (smaller) ones, I can carry one and read on the train/plane. I prefer the style to Lammle's book, but I'm sure mileage varies.
You should also consider doing a CCNA course or bootcamp. I recently attende one. In the interest of fair disclosure, I work for Global Knowledge!
2. I think the best advice I can give you regarding the 640-802 is to subnet, subnet and then subnet some more. Only when you have a true grasp on the complexities of subnetting and general IP addressing schemes can you really begin to appreciate other topics.
The CISCO press books are a little dry but they are packed with the information required. I would probably then plump for a ExamCram volume as a reference point in the last few weeks before the exam. These books will not teach you the topics in any great depth but they can act as good benchmarks.
3. Lammlee's book is a good resource. I also used the Transender practice exams and purchased a couple of routers and switches off ebay to practice on. I was able to pass the ICND1 on the first attempt using only these resources. (I decided to go the two-exam route)
The ICND2 exam is a little tougher IMO. Make sure you understand spanning tree, OSPF, NAT/PAT.
4. Odom's (Cisco Press) ICND1 and ICND2 and both are excellent.
I used Odom's ICND1 to prepare for the 1st exam. I followed his study plan recommendations and did very well on the exam.
I'm using Odom's ICND2 now to prepare for next exam and my studies appear to be going well. Below is a summary of what I'm doing.
- I'm using both the ICND1 and ICND2 texts to prepare as if I'm studying for the composite (640-802) exam. I've found this helps me better understand topics covered in ICND2 text.
- After I read a topic in ICND2, I go back through the material and practice the commands and configurations on my home lab. I go over and over the 'show' commands used.
- I spend 3-4 hours a week getting more hands-on to drill in what I've covered to date.
I tend to recall commands and show output much better from hands-on than from the text. I may be wrong but it seems that way to me.
I purchased Lammle's text for the composite (640-802) exam thinking I would read it in conjunction with the Odom texts. Again, maybe it's just me, but that didn't work well for me. In fact, I pulled Lammle's text off the shelf tonight to read his section trunking, vtp, etc. I had already covered the material in Odom's text and I thought Lammle's would help me catch anything I missed. Didn't work. In fact, I stopped and put it back on the shelf because I didn't want it to confuse me. (It also appears to me that Lammle doesn't devote as much time as I need to some topics.)
5. There are a number of resources, Mirza - to some degree it depends on how you learn best.
I've posted above two sets of books (Lamie and Odom) that for me are very good. I guess these are a great starting point.
In addition to this, you might consider taking a training course. I'm biased because I work there, but take a look at Global Knowledge's classes (, or Depending on how much you can do youself, consider the CCNA bootcamp vs the ICND1/ICND2 classes.
Getting some real hardware or a good simulator is also important. Boson's product looks pretty good, and there'a an open souce product (but that needs actual IOS images that may not be readily available to you). But picking up a couple of switches and a router should not be too expensive (ebay to the rescue).