Sunday, December 14, 2008

Simple script to backup virtual machines in linux

Currently I am using a small VMWare Server hosting 4 virtual machines, and i found my self in the position of backing them up. But the virtual machines need to be stopped before you can copy them somewhere else. Using the getstate() output of the vmware-cmd you can find the state of each virtual machine. using the following script you can set a cron job to backup your vitual machine:

PATH="/srv/vmware-server/Contabilitate/Windows XP Professional.vmx"
CMD=$(vmware-cmd "$PATH" getstate)

case $CMD in
"getstate() = on")
vmware-cmd "$PATH" suspend
rsync -avz --stats --progress -e ssh /srv/vmware-server/Contabilitate root@
rsync -avz --stats --progress -e ssh /srv/vmware-server/Contabilitate root@
vmware-cmd "$PATH" start

Export CSV from MySql Database via SSH

There is a time when you need to export a specific table from a mysql database. Through SSH this is made very easy using the following command:

echo “select * from table_name;” | mysql -u root -pyourpassword database_name | sed -e ’s/^Mn/r/g’ > /home/exported.csv

Of course you can make a small script that adds the date or other usefull information to the filename:

#This scripts adds date to the exported CSV
NOW=$(date +”%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M_%S”)
echo “select * from table_name;” | mysql -u root -pyourpassword database_name | sed -e ’s/^Mn/r/g’ > /home/exported_$NOW.csv

Save this script as and make it executable, and that’s it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

VPN for Linux Installation

VPN for Linux

These steps have been tested on recent versions of RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Slackware.

1. Obtain the IPSec Group Name and IPSec Password for either on campus use or off campus use by clicking the following link: VPN Account Information.
2. If prompted, enter your SacLink User ID and Password. If you have not created your account or have forgotten your account ID or password, see SacLink Information for details.
3. Obtain the VPN client from the Software Distribution Web Site by clicking the following link:
4. Click on the Obtain Software link in the left navigation bar.
5. Read and agree to the terms of distribution by clicking the I Agree link at the bottom of the page.
6. Log in using your SacLink username and password.
7. Locate the Cisco VPN Client for your operating system and click the Download link.
8. Click the Download Now button.
9. Save the file to your home directory. The file could take a few minutes to download depending on your connection speed.
10. Once the file is downloaded, close your browser.
11. Open a terminal session. How this is done depends on your distribution of Linux and whether or not you are running X windows.
12. Change directory to where you downloaded the file. If you downloaded the file to your home directory, simply type cd
13. Unpack the file that you have downloaded by typing
tar xvzf vpnclient-linux-4.0.1.A-k9.tar.gz
14. Change directory to the newly unpacked directory
cd vpnclient
15. You need to be the root user (superuser) to run the install script.
Type su and press enter.
16. Enter the root password.
17. To install the client type: ./vpn_install
18. Accept all the default selections by pressing the Enter key.
19. Restart your computer, or type (as root)
/etc/rc.d/init.d/vpnclient_init start
to start the vpn client without restarting.


The following instructions assume you are using the vi (vee-eye) text editor. But you can use any text editor, such as emacs or pico (the instructions will vary slightly depending on your choice of editor).

1. Open a terminal session and become root (superuser).
2. Type su and press enter. Enter the root password.
3. Create a User Profile for the VPN Client. The default location of the sample profile is /etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient/Profiles/.
4. Type cd /etc/CiscoSystemsVPNClient/Profiles/
5. Type ls
6. You must copy the sample.pcf file and rename it. To do so, type
cp sample.pcf oncampus.pcf
(offcampus.pcf for off campus connections).
7. Typevi oncampus.pcf
8. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, place the cursor after the = sign at the Description prompt.
9. Press the esc key and then the x key, to delete the previous information.
10. Press the esc key and then the i key, to enter the new information.
11. Type Sac State On Campus VPN Connection or Sac State Off Campus VPN Connection at the prompt for the Description.
12. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, place the cursor after the = sign at the Host prompt.
13. Press the esc key and then the x key, to delete the previous information.
14. Press the esc key and then the i key, to enter the new information.
15. Type at the prompt for Host.
16. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, place the cursor after the = sign at the GroupName prompt.
17. Press the esc key and then the x key, to delete the previous information.
18. Press the esc key and then the i key, to enter the new information.
19. Type the IPSec Group name you obtained from the VPN Account Information document.
20. Using the arrow keys on the keyboard, place the cursor after the = sign at the Username prompt.
21. Press the esc key and then the x key, to delete the previous information.
22. Press the esc key and then the i key, to enter the new information.
23. Type your SacLink login name at the Username prompt. The file should look like the On Campus or Off Campus sample.
24. Save the new profile by pressing the esc key followed by a colon and letters wq and then press enter (esc :wq enter).

Running the Client

1. Connect to the Internet.
2. Open a terminal session.
3. Type the following:
vpnclient connect profile
(where profile for on campus connections is: oncampus; and for off campus connections is: offcampus ).
4. It will prompt you to enter the group password.
5. It will display your SacLink user name.
6. At the password prompt, type your SacLink password.
7. The VPN services should now be enabled.
8. Connect to the Internet.
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